A workshop on "Enhancement of Teaching" A very fruitful Workshop for teachers was conducted in Pragyan Public School on 24th June 2016. The trainer was Mr. Amit Singh from Manasdhara. The workshop started with ceremonial Saraswati Vanadana and welcome address by the principal Mrs. Deepti Sharma.
In this workshop, the teachers learnt the Essential tips to enhance their teaching and communication in the class. The coordinator Mr. Amit Singh explained the definition of a real teacher, types of vision, qualities of a borne teacher, types of knowledge and a universal language of communication. He emphasized to develop four qualities hope, Imagination, love and care in every teacher.
All the teachers actively participated in this workshop. They were full of curiosity with enthusiasm during the whole period of Workshop. Finally, the Principal Mrs. Deepti Sharma gave a vote of thanks to the coordinator Mr. Amit Singh and all the teachers for their active participation.