All Pragyanies witnessed a very fruitful workshop on the topics gender sensitivity and lesson planning conducted by Mrs Sudha Acharya Principal ITL Dwarka Delhi On 29th June 2016. The Principal Pragyan Public School Jewar Mrs. Deepti Sharma with all the school staff members welcomed the guest trainer. The seminar was started after lighting the lamp and praying the Goddess Saraswati.
In the first session the trainer Mrs. Sudha Acharya started with the topic Gender sensitivity. She pointed out the stereotypes and gender biases prevailing in the present society. She suggested the steps using which we can bring gender sensitization in the society. She defined the topics of sex, Gender Equality, equity and discrimination.
In the second session, she suggested the effective ways of lesson planning to make the teaching effective. She emphasized to plan the teaching as per the need of the learner. A school class has three main types of learners, Auditory, visionary and kinesthetic. She suggested to empower the teaching by following the ideology of power over, power with, power for and power within. Finally she defined the teacher as one who brings us tool and enables us to use there.
At the end Mr. K.P Singh (P.G.T English) gave a vote of thanks to the Guest trainer Mrs. Sudha Acharya and her coordinator Mrs. Anuradha, school management, Principal of PPS, all the teachers, technicians and music team.