Pragyan Public School has participated in “2nd international Summit on life skills, Values, Gender, School Health and well being -2013”organized by C.BS.E in collaboration of Expression India at National Bal Bhawan, New Delhi. The summit was conducted in two phases, Regional and International .Its Regional phase was conducted on 26th and 27th Nov 13 .There were about 48 schools like D.P.S Srinagar, D.A.V Faridabad, Anand Nikaten Gujarat, etc .In this summit different activities were conducted as:
Whiz-Quiz: In this event there were two sounds first was written and second was presentation.
Utopia: In this event spot painting and Poster making was the task for students .Students had to make the charts on the topics like Gender Sensitivity, School health and well being and Hygiene etc.
Eloquence: in this event 21 topics were given and each student had to speak on any one of them, from PPS, Harshita Rai, class 12th took part in this event.
In the International level topics of Eloquence were given at the spot and the participants had to speak on their topics. All the schools were given a stall of 2/3 meter which was to be decorated by the posters, charts and by any creative ideas on the topic ‘Global Health’.
Another activity was to create ‘Thematic Jingle’. We earned a Medal in this event in which Vaishnavi, Vandana and Shoieb had participated. One more activity was conducted in summit was ‘National Youth health and well being parliament’ in the parliament, all the students were divided in four groups .all the four groups choose their group leaders from each group. After that rest of the students asked questions on the current topic and the leaders tried to satisfy them.
In the international summit, 183 schools and 950 students from all over world participated. Fortunately, we had a meeting with prominent educationist like honorable Chairman of C.B.S.E, Mr. Vineet Joshi, Dr.Jitendra Nagpal and Dr .Sadhna Parashar, Director, C.B.S.E.