Seminar on effective teaching by B.L.Handoo

A seminar on how to make teaching effective was organized in "Pragyan public school" on 2nd oct. 2015. It was ceremonially inaugurated by honorable Mr. B.L. Handoo sir and Pragyan’s principal Mrs. Deepti Sharma along with honorable manager Mr. Harish Sharma. At first Saraswati Vandana was sung by the music teachers. All the staff members were present. The key note of address was delivered by B.L. Handoo sir along with his companion Arora Sir Honorable B.L. Handoo sir was from Kashmir. His team emphasized with reiteration the importance of communication, interaction and instruction. He said,"To make our teaching effective we, the teacher should use some tools. He gave eleven effective teaching tips. He emphasized on the role played by the teacher in promoting quality education. Many papers on different way to praise child, eleven tips on effective teaching and four learning styles through which students having individual taster are taught was given by honorable Handoo Sir. He gave many remarks to the teachers present there and there was very good interactive session for all teachers. He underlines the fact that teachers are the builder of strong nation. The steps using demo for teaching was the highlight of seminar. The seminar concluded with the “Ever teacher has his/ her on strength give us many opportunities but our weakness may pose many threats" Say the principal, she added; values are caught rather than taught hopeful note that good strategies should be applied to make the fastest pathway of brain.

Our school's manager Mr. Harish Sharma, Principal Mrs. Deepti Sharma and all the teaching staff showed their gratitude towards them.